Monday, 14 January 2019

Problems a student might face while studying in private medical colleges in India

Back in 1980, India had some 100 government medical colleges against a small 11 private institutes, but 38 years on, while the former could grow to double, the latter has witnessed a massive twenty-fold rise, according to MCI.

From the above fact, it’s quite clear how private medical colleges have grown at a spectacular rate to outpace their government-run counterparts. All is not wrong with this growth as now the country is producing more doctors to support the health care need of a 1.30 billion-plus population. More medical aspirants can realize their career goals, and the poor can get treatment in a hassle-free manner.

However, private medical colleges have not helped the very cause they were allowed to open up for through legislation, and we can safely say that most of them have failed to churn out quality doctors. The education provided at them lack quality, their infrastructure is outdated, the faculties are inexperienced and lowly paid and so on. Plus, they are often run and managed by the people whose only goal is to make money.

What’s more, private colleges are seen as a perfect bet for an MBBS admission through management quota for those students who lack mettle yet have money. They offer medical seats to anyone ready to shell out a couple of crores or even more as a capitation fee, apart from a hefty annual fee for studies.   
So, the students passing out of these colleges, after having spent that much, always look to recover their cost which gives rise to all the diagnostic malpractices the healthcare sector is synonymous today. Moreover, we know how the doctors of today leverage their medical degree by prescribing tests, medicines we mostly don’t need.

For that reason, you should first have complete information about the private college you’re about to seek admission. 

You must check its admission procedures, the fees, the management, infrastructure, and hidden charges. It’s better to avail the services of one of top MBBS admission consultants and make the entire procedure smooth.

So, trust only the right medical college to become a good doctor in the future.
Admissions Square is a reliable name for its education consultancy services to anyone looking for admission in and around Bangalore, Karnataka. Trust from its experience and make your career.

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