Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Are Students in Serious Need of Career Counselling?

In India, peer pressure is easily the most influential factor in deciding careers. Most students want to pursue a passion in a line of their friends or relatives or distant relatives. The goal is to achieve something big, do something unique so that the world sits up and takes notice. The intention is noble, yet the problem mostly crops up at the execution stage itself.

So, it’s not uncommon to see an engineering student opting an MBA in the hope of a brighter future by leaving behind all the unrealized potential of a previously chosen field. We see cases where commerce graduates go on to find their grooves in the subjects like humanities, much to the chagrin of their parents.

Where does all this lead to? Well, this shows something is not right with the way a career is approached and planned by students in India, at least by the majority of them. It also shows the existing gap between the dreams and reality which most students come to realize later, having already made up their mind. Such a gap can be bridged much prior with a professional career counseling.

This kind of counseling is quite unlike the one received by parents, siblings, relatives or neighbors as here experts take control of the pressing matter at hand. Experts will first talk up with students, understand their personalities, listen to their interests and grasp their dreams in life. Based on that, an apt career path is mapped which helps students choose something that fits well into their needs.  

If you stay in Bangalore or want to relocate to study there, you can always consult for career counseling in Bangalore. However, before talking to a counselor, the most a student can think of regarding career choice are engineering, medicine or management, which is like going down the beaten path. With expert by their side and cajoling them into divulging the areas and interest that fascinate them in a real sense, students can pour their heart out, and can hardly go wrong. Moreover, rightly so, they end of choosing a right career.   

With career options exploding by the day, it’s natural for students to take help from one of the education consultants in Bangalore and make a right move. Such assistance will ensure a safe future for sure.

Admissions Square is a top name into education consultancy in Bangalore offering quality career counseling to students. Trust their industry knowledge for a bright future ahead.

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