Thursday, 31 January 2019

GNM Nursing Course - Eligibility and Career Prospect for Aspirants

Are you looking for an exciting and challenging career option with the opportunity to make a difference among people’s lives on a daily basis?

If yes, pursuing a nursing course may be an ideal option for you. Nursing profession helps an individual to grow with constant learning of teamwork, handle emergencies, and administer life-saving drugs to patients in the absence of a doctor. It won’t be wrong to say that nurses act as veins in the operation of various medical settings like hospitals, clinics, and community houses.

Every day will be an exciting and challenging routine at work consisting of patient care and counseling for quick healing. As nurses work day in and out to make a difference in the sick person’s life, the job is no less than a noble profession. Not to forget, skilled candidates enjoy bright career prospect and growth in the health care industry.

How to start a career in nursing?

Anyone interested in becoming a certified nurse can study GNM Nursing course. It stands for General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM). It is a diploma of 3.5 years (varies among institutions) of duration. The course is focused on developing the preliminary skills of students for the provision of medical care to individuals, families, and communities in training.

However, the course is enough to start your nursing in an entry-level position. Students can pursue higher education like BSc Nursing, or PB BSc Nursing to acquire additional nursing degree, knowledge and experience after completion of this program.

However, you must be eligible to get admission in this course. Check out what do you need to qualify for this course:

  • Completed 10+2 from a recognized board with minimum 40 to 50% aggregate in any stream.
  • Admission depends on the relevant entrance test score conducted by institutions. However, some colleges offer direct admission to candidates based on 10+2 scores.

Why study nursing?

To be able to serve fellow being on a daily basis gives much satisfaction at work and in life. Moreover, job opportunities are rampant for qualified nurses with lucrative pays in India and abroad. India’s health care sector is facing an acute shortage of registered and experienced nurses. The current ratio of nurse to patient stands at 1:500 which is not adequate and low in comparison to other countries.

It would help if you studied at a reputed nursing college to be successful as a professional nurse. Please consult with an expert admission consultant to know about nursing colleges, their rankings, fees, admission procedures, eligibilities, and so on for a seamless study experience.

Are you looking for a reliable admission consultancy to study nursing in Bangalore colleges?

Admissions Square may be the right choice for you. They are a leading education consultancy in Bangalore helping students with nursing college admission, career counseling, and guidance in top colleges. Speak to their consultants now.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Is rote learning responsible for poor quality of doctors in India?

The system followed in evaluating doctors in India is flawed as its emphasis is mainly on memorization skills rather than clinical skills.

India is facing a severe crunch of quality doctors. Many factors are responsible for the malaise plaguing the medical education system in this country, and the preference to rote learning in the evaluation of doctors is one of them.

So, most of our doctors have reached there not by their clinical skills but on their ability to memorize a significant amount of information.   

Further, the exam pattern has not seen the transformation that advanced countries in the west have adopted and moved ahead of the curve long ago.

Here, the system ignores the humanitarian criterion in selecting would-be doctors and still goes by the age-old rote learning. So, we continue to produce doctors whose evaluation has been done based on their answers in MCQ questions.  

India banks on tests, by checking candidates and analyzing their worthiness for memorization skills rather than the in-depth knowledge of the core subjects.

We still don’t use OSCEs (objective structured clinical exams) for checking medical candidates. Thus we go on producing doctors whose clinical skills remain thoroughly untested till they begin practicing.

These problems are pan-India in nature, and you can’t blame colleges in a particular state in India alone if they are not able to produce well-trained doctors. For example, few medical colleges in Bangalore still prepare question papers seeking knowledge more than asking problems based on real clinical cases. 

Rather than asking the use and impact of various drugs, medical exams instead focus on asking achievements of particular individuals of the domain.

Medical aspirants, however, can minimize the problems arising from this approach by seeking admission in a college that is known for its practical orientation more than theoretical knowledge.  

Some good medical institutes look to address this inherent flaw of the system by letting would-be doctors get real-life exposure to clinical trials and skills.

So, consult with one of the top MBBS admission consultants and find the best medical college for your MBBS dreams.

Admissions Square is known for its reliable medical admission consultancy services along with related educational consultancy services for students seeking admission in any stream or college of choice. Benefit from their domain knowledge and put your career on the right track.

Monday, 28 January 2019

Join the thriving health care system in India with nursing course

A career in nursing is much more than just caring the sick people, as it can help you become part of the ever-green health care industry in the world.

Like teaching, nursing is an equally noble profession. It is fit for those whose hearts yearn for serving humanity. Anyone who cares for people and wants to contribute to the society can enter this profession where the major work is caring the sick and attending to the requirements of patients in hospitals or a care unit.  

Like other professional programs, a nursing course also comes with a hierarchy of profile and career choices where one can start by providing care to patients and move up the ladder to head a team of nurses. The course imparts knowledge of the latest medical tools, devices, and medication so that tasks like dispensing medication, setting up medical equipment, analyzing patients’ progress and administering dosages can be done professionally.

Most courses in nursing are for students who have passed 10+2 with biology, physics, and chemistry while 10th pass outs can only enroll in ANM course which is of 18 months in duration. Nursing aspirants can start their journey with GNM Nursing Course (3 Years duration), or B.Sc. Nursing Course (3.5 Years duration ) and then move up to PB B.Sc. Nursing Course (2 Year duration) or M.Sc. Nursing Course ( 2 Year duration ) respectively.  

There is also a GNM nursing program (General Nursing and Midwifery) which has 3 and ½ year duration and is only for students who are 10+2 pass out with relevant core science subjects. Employment opportunities are in plenty for nursing students or degree holders as they can try luck in both private as well as public sector any time of the year. 

Vacancies keep coming up in government-run hospitals, and jobs are also available in primary health care centers, dispensaries, clinics, schools, nursing homes, or health projects run by different organizations. What’s more, nursing students are also required by the military, the railways, industrial houses, and factories. Plus, these candidates can also try their hand at teaching.

So, enroll at one of the top nursing colleges in Bangalore and have a satisfying future ahead.

Admissions Square is a reliable education consultancy in Bangalore. Benefit from their experience for quality career counseling for any stream.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Is nursing a career fit only for women?

Although nursing is a gender-neutral career option still a vast majority of nurses across the world are women.

Most of us think that nursing is a career option fit for women only. Even if they are exceptionally good at providing care to people in need, this assumption does not seem entirely right. Because a growing number of male today also enroll in different nursing courses with the aim to serve humanity and create a difference to lives.

nursing course
Similarly, most of us also believe that nursing is only about taking care of the sick. Well, there are other opportunities as well for qualified nurses like those in teaching, research jobs, and administration. However, yes, this profession is mostly about tending to patients, prescribing medicines at regular intervals, assisting medical specialists and helping set up medical tools in operation rooms or laboratories.  

Further, nursing is often seen as a noble profession as it also involves providing constant care to people recovering from illness and not able to lead a normal life.   That apart, aspirants can also enroll in one of the top nursing colleges in Bangalore and get specialization in a specific area such as midwifery, cardiac care, pediatrics, orthopedics, and intensive care.  
More so, nurses are also familiar with the latest technological developments and innovation in the field of medicine which helps widen their scope of employment. They possess unique skills and mindset which is why job opportunities are always ample for them. They can take up work at hospitals, nursing centers, an old-age home, orphanages, and sanatorium and in the armed forces as well.  

nursing course also makes one eligible to work as primary health workers and midwives in health centers across the country. Trained nurses from India are in high demand in major countries like the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and others. They are trusted for expertise in human care and thus offered good salaries and perks by international health centers.

So, enrolling in courses like GNM nursing or BSc Nursing would help the aspirant take a step towards adding value to people, with a sound career opportunity.

Admissions Square is a reliable education consultancy in Bangalore offering professional counseling to students across career streams. Medical and nursing aspirants can benefit from their domain knowledge to shape their career in the best way possible.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Are education counselors worth trust and time?

Information is power, and anyone who has it or provides it can be trusted for helping us remove doubts regarding career choices!   

Bangalore is a beautiful city, has many colleges and institutions of repute and brims with job prospects, is something we can quickly know on the internet just by a few clicks of the mouse. It takes seconds today to reach the website of any university, analyze its courses, know its fee structures, and retrieve all data that students often crave for.  

Even admission procedures are well laid out on the web; students can find rankings of colleges by different sources, and all this will ease any worries regarding admission. With so much information available free of cost, does it make sense to avail the services of one of the education counselors in Bangalore and waste money? Taking such a decision is something many students grapple with, and some even see merit in the argument.

Academicians, however, warn against betting on the information provided on the net, not for the inaccuracy but mostly for the inadequacy with that. They also believe that whatever is there won’t help beyond the primary level at best. Moreover, if you still want to rely on that, confusions may clog the mind leading to bad choices with the career.

The details provided over there can never be a substitute to the ground-level knowledge a good admission consultant possesses. You will never know online whether a college is recognized, whether it is authorized to offer the courses, it advertises, about its infrastructure, the respect it enjoys among students and so on.

Online information is useful when the college is reputed, but when it’s not, it’s always better to take the services of an expert and get the details about it. Education consultancy is an excellent concept for helping students make informed decisions after having the right information at their disposal. You get to talk with experts of the industry which can never lead you astray.

So, show your trust in admission consultancy in Bangalore and shape an incredible career.

Admissions Square is a leading education consultancy for admission in or around Bangalore, Karnataka. Trust their vast experience and knowledge for your bright career.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Problems a student might face while studying in private medical colleges in India

Back in 1980, India had some 100 government medical colleges against a small 11 private institutes, but 38 years on, while the former could grow to double, the latter has witnessed a massive twenty-fold rise, according to MCI.

From the above fact, it’s quite clear how private medical colleges have grown at a spectacular rate to outpace their government-run counterparts. All is not wrong with this growth as now the country is producing more doctors to support the health care need of a 1.30 billion-plus population. More medical aspirants can realize their career goals, and the poor can get treatment in a hassle-free manner.

However, private medical colleges have not helped the very cause they were allowed to open up for through legislation, and we can safely say that most of them have failed to churn out quality doctors. The education provided at them lack quality, their infrastructure is outdated, the faculties are inexperienced and lowly paid and so on. Plus, they are often run and managed by the people whose only goal is to make money.

What’s more, private colleges are seen as a perfect bet for an MBBS admission through management quota for those students who lack mettle yet have money. They offer medical seats to anyone ready to shell out a couple of crores or even more as a capitation fee, apart from a hefty annual fee for studies.   
So, the students passing out of these colleges, after having spent that much, always look to recover their cost which gives rise to all the diagnostic malpractices the healthcare sector is synonymous today. Moreover, we know how the doctors of today leverage their medical degree by prescribing tests, medicines we mostly don’t need.

For that reason, you should first have complete information about the private college you’re about to seek admission. 

You must check its admission procedures, the fees, the management, infrastructure, and hidden charges. It’s better to avail the services of one of top MBBS admission consultants and make the entire procedure smooth.

So, trust only the right medical college to become a good doctor in the future.
Admissions Square is a reliable name for its education consultancy services to anyone looking for admission in and around Bangalore, Karnataka. Trust from its experience and make your career.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Are Students in Serious Need of Career Counselling?

In India, peer pressure is easily the most influential factor in deciding careers. Most students want to pursue a passion in a line of their friends or relatives or distant relatives. The goal is to achieve something big, do something unique so that the world sits up and takes notice. The intention is noble, yet the problem mostly crops up at the execution stage itself.

So, it’s not uncommon to see an engineering student opting an MBA in the hope of a brighter future by leaving behind all the unrealized potential of a previously chosen field. We see cases where commerce graduates go on to find their grooves in the subjects like humanities, much to the chagrin of their parents.

Where does all this lead to? Well, this shows something is not right with the way a career is approached and planned by students in India, at least by the majority of them. It also shows the existing gap between the dreams and reality which most students come to realize later, having already made up their mind. Such a gap can be bridged much prior with a professional career counseling.

This kind of counseling is quite unlike the one received by parents, siblings, relatives or neighbors as here experts take control of the pressing matter at hand. Experts will first talk up with students, understand their personalities, listen to their interests and grasp their dreams in life. Based on that, an apt career path is mapped which helps students choose something that fits well into their needs.  

If you stay in Bangalore or want to relocate to study there, you can always consult for career counseling in Bangalore. However, before talking to a counselor, the most a student can think of regarding career choice are engineering, medicine or management, which is like going down the beaten path. With expert by their side and cajoling them into divulging the areas and interest that fascinate them in a real sense, students can pour their heart out, and can hardly go wrong. Moreover, rightly so, they end of choosing a right career.   

With career options exploding by the day, it’s natural for students to take help from one of the education consultants in Bangalore and make a right move. Such assistance will ensure a safe future for sure.

Admissions Square is a top name into education consultancy in Bangalore offering quality career counseling to students. Trust their industry knowledge for a bright future ahead.