Monday, 26 November 2018

Evolving Notions of Career Counseling in India

Every student faces some common issues after completing their 10+2. The most of them have questions like: What career should I choose? Which program should I join? What options are available to me? How to prepare to achieve the set goals?
Here is where the role for consultants comes into play. An Education consultancy becomes more relevant and crucial because the country has plenty of top-ranked institutions, leaving students befuddled when choosing a career path.

Traditionally career counselors used to act as information providers to the students. Their job was to let students know the options available to them. However, in today’s information age, providing only information is not valid enough.

Nowadays, right career counseling is about assisting students in understanding their talent and strength and then guiding them the path that suits them the best. It has been proven that if you operate in the areas where you can put your strengths to use, then you get a sense of happiness and satisfaction, thus ensuring remarkable performance and extraordinary rewards. So, the first task of education consultants in India is to find one’s inherent talents and strengths.

The following are some other things that an education consultant does for you:

Making an informed decision

Career counseling begins with pointing out individual choices, the area of interests and areas of improvement. Once that is done, a career route is drawn. Such a career path trace will include effective programs or courses that a candidate can pursue, the mandatory entrance exams (if applicable), eligibility criteria, and required cutoffs. A career counselor also provides information about the program and clarifies doubts regarding the course profile; like knowing the difference between mass communication and visual communication.

Career Mapping

Once a career path is mapped out, you can pursue your career goals with full focus and dedication. Apart from eliminating dissatisfaction and confusions, mapping out a career route assists you in keeping abreast with the changes and developments related to your field.

Job Satisfaction

Choosing the career of your choice often results in professional success and contentment. Job satisfaction is vital to ensure professional success, enhanced productivity, and superior quality of life.

So, these were some important aspects of career counseling. Admissions Square is a top admission consultancy which provides you with the best career counseling in Bangalore, Karnataka. The consultancy has become very popular among students in MBA, MBBS, and Engineering students and aspirants in Bangalore.

Contact Admissions Square now!

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